Be a part of our Port Burwell Historical Society, creating positive change in your community
Be a part of our Port Burwell Historical Society, creating positive change in your community
Join us in making a difference in your community! The Port Burwell Historical Society is a volunteer organization dedicated to the principles of conservation, preservation and restoration with respect to the culturally and historically significant components of our Village.
The Vienna Lions continue to work for the betterment of the Municipality and its constituents. Recently they ran a fundraiser selling Save the Lighthouse candles and ran various Lion events at the Vienna Community Centre.
On Thursday, February 6th, Lions President Bruce Carmichael presented a check for $875 to Roy Sullivan - Secretary/Treasurer of the Port Burwell historical Society.
Thank you for your support of the Lighthouse Restoration.
Stage One is designed to raise funds to produce the Engineering Design/Drawings required to apply for Grants from various Government Agencies and Private Foundations that will be necessary to finance the actual restoration.
1. With a cheque made payable to the Port Burwell Historical Society, P.O. Box 10, Port Burwell, ON, N0J 1T0,
2. The Port Burwell Historical Society has rededicated our Lighthouse GoFundMe page (https://www.gofundme.com/.../historic-1840-lighthouse...) to achieving this goal,
3. Support our Frisky Beaver fundraiser by using our unique Promo Code, PBHS24, when ordering wines from their website (www.shopwine.ca) or when visiting the winery. (No Tax Receipt for this one, just some great wine),
4. Send an e-transfer to pbhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
On April 12, 1862, during the height of the American Civil War, a military raid that would come to be known as the Andrews Raid and the Great Locomotive Chase took place in Northern Georgia. Volunteers from the Union Army, led by civilian scout James J. Andrews, commandeered a train, The General, and took it northward toward Chattanooga, Tennessee, doing as much damage as possible to the vital Western and Atlantic Railroad (W&A) line from Atlanta to Chattanooga as they went. They were pursued by Confederate forces at first on foot, and later on a succession of locomotives, including The Texas, for 87 miles (140 km).
Confederates eventually captured the raiders and quickly executed some as spies, including Andrews; some others were able to flee. The surviving raiders, who were members of the Union Army, were the first to be awarded the newly created Medal of Honor by the US Congress for their actions.
In 2008, the House of Representatives passed a bill which would retroactively award the Medal of Honor to two of the three remaining raiders, Charles Perry Shadrack and George Davenport Wilson. On July 3, 2024, President Joe Biden posthumously presented the medal to descendants of both Shadrack and Wilson. All the Medals of Honor presented to the Andrews Raiders used identical text.
One of the 19 of 22 men (including 2 civilians) who, by direction of Gen. Mitchell (or Buell) penetrated nearly 200 miles south into enemy territory and captured a railroad train at Big Shanty, Ga., in an attempt to destroy the bridges and tracks between Chattanooga and Atlanta.
Accepting the Medal of Honor from President Biden on behalf of Private Shadrack's descendants was Gerald Taylor of Straffordville. Mr. Taylor is the Great-Grandnephew of Private Shadrack and his oldest living descendant. Mr. Taylor was accompanied at the ceremony by his daughter, Penny Clarke of Straffordville, and his grandsons, Nathan Clarke of Richmond and Andrew Clarke of Port Burwell.
To watch the entire ceremony, follow the link below.
The Port Burwell Historical Society is pleased to announce we have renewed our association with Frisky Beaver Wine Co. to raise funds for the restoration of the Port Burwell Historic (1840) Lighthouse.
When you purchase any of the excellent Frisky Beaver products, either in person at their winery in Port Dover or online at www.ShopWine.ca, use our exclusive Promo Code: PBHS25
You will receive 5% off on any purchase (even off their sales prices) and the Port Burwell Historical Society will receive 10% of your purchase total towards the Lighthouse restoration.
So … Raise A Glass - Save Our Lighthouse!
The Port Burwell Historical Society is proud to have had the opportunity to participate and support this annual Port Burwell tradition.
The Historical Society provided Hot Chocolate and Hor Apple Cider to those who needed a little something to warm up on the blistery night.
The Historical Society also provided a shelter for Santa to meet all the children due to the ongoing construction in the MArine Museum.
A big shout out to the Beachfest Organizing Committee for your hard work and to the Vienna Swans who provided the candy packs for the kids after their visit with Santa.
This year's Kayak Fun Run started at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2024. Thankfully, Mother Nature held back the rains long enough for our kayakers to complete the course.
Those who participated had a great time on the Big Otter and afterwards chatting about the experience.
Thank you to Deputy Mayor Rainey Weisler and Councilor Tim Emerson for dropping by and lending your support.
A big shout out to the Port Burwell Marina for letting our paddlers use their ramp to launch and retrieve their craft, and to Tim and Tami Emerson for your prize donations.
This year's Canada Day was a tremendous success. Mother Nature cooperated and provided us with perfect weather for the day.
A huge shout out to our sponsors and donors for all your assistance. Without you we can not provide all the activities, refreshments and fun. But, most of all thanks to all who showed up to enjoy the day.
Our new venue worked out well. As with any change there were some growing pains and learnings we are taking to heart for next year's festivities.
We are currently building our 2024 page and it should be ready soon for your enjoyment.
On Saturday, June 8th, the Marine Museum in Port Burwell reopened their doors to officially launch their newest exhibits and the redesign of the Museum's layout.
Officiating the rope cutting (left to right) Ron Bradfield, President of the Port Burwell Historical Society and Museum Advisory Committee Member, Elgin County Warden and Bayham Mayor Ed Ketchabaw, Jennifer Beauchamp, Currator, and Susan Chilcott, Ward 3 Councillor and Chair of the Museum Advisory Committee
On Monday, April 15th, the Vienna Swans' President, Kate Kent, Vice President and OLG Treasurer, Rachael Wintermute and Bonnie Bradfield presented a cheque for $2,000.00 to sponsor the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association flyover at this year's Port Burwell Canada Day Festivities. The flyover of vintage World War II Harvard and Yale trainers in formation is one of the highlights of the day.
Accepting the very generous donation are Historical Society's members Ron Bradfield (President), Bonnie Bradfield, Albert White and Roy Sullivan (Secretary/Treasurer).
The Port Burwell Marine Museum 2024 will open over the Victoria Day weekend. The Museum's curator, Jennifer Beauchamp (pictured centre), has been working hard behind the scenes planning a new exhibit for the patrons of the Museum, follow our website Museum page for exciting updates!
The Port Burwell Historical Society’s Secretary/Treasurer, Roy Sullivan (pictured left) partnered with My Paint & Decor Tillsonburg, owners Kyle (pictured right) & Ryan Varro, to donate all the paint the Museum needs to make their vision a reality.
Thank you to the great folks at My Paint & Décor Tillsonburg (mypaintanddecor.com); Kyle & Ryan Varro and Julie Osipenko for their help and generosity to our community.
At our recent Annual General Meeting, our President, Ron Bradfield, presented a plaque to Chuck Buchanan in recognition of his many years of service to the Historical Society and the Port Burwell community
Chuck was a founding member of the Historical Society and spent 21 years as the Society's Treasurer before stepping down in November 2022. Chuck also spent years as the Treasurer of E.O.N. ( Elgin Oxford Norfolk Association of Curators, Archivists & Directors) and as a member of the Bayham Museum Board. Many of the exhibits in the Port Burwell Marine Museum are the direct result of Chuck's hard work.
Thank you, Chuck, for all your work on behalf of Port Burwell.
The Port Burwell Historical Society would like to clarify a point that was raised at the November 2nd Council meeting.
Mayor Ed Ketchabaw and Treasurer Lorne James stated that donations made to the restoration of the Lighthouse through the Society's GoFundMe page would not be eligible for tax receipts. To clarify - donations made through the Society's GoFundMe page will not be eligible for tax receipts issued by the Municipality.
To Confirm, donations over $25.00 made to the Port Burwell Historical Society Lighthouse Restoration Fund via GoFundMe will receive tax receipts issued by the Port Burwell Historical Society, as will donations to the fund made directly to the Society by cheque.
The Port Burwell Historical Society is a registered charity and is recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency. We are in good standing with the Charities Directorate.
On December 2, 2023, after the close of the Santa Claus Parade, our President, Ron Bradfield, presented a donation to the Trinity Anglican Church, represented by Stan Rushton.
The members of Trinity Church have assisted the Historical Society on many occasions and projects and have never asked for any compensation for their efforts. We felt it was time to formally recognize these contributions to our community with a small token of appreciation.
Thank you, Trinity Church, for all your work in making Port Burwell a better place to live
The Port Burwell Historical Society acknowledges we are located on lands that have been occupied by First Nations for millennia.
Port Burwell is situated in Treaty 3 (Between the Lakes Purchase) territory, a treaty signed in 1792. This is the traditional territories of the Anishinabewaki, the Attiwonderonk (Neutral), the Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee) and the Mississauga; civilizations knowledgeable of architecture, preservation of culture, and the perpetuation and sustainment of Turtle Island.
The Port Burwell Historical Society is committed to reconciliation. We will honour the land through acts of conservation and preservation that reflect and respect this heritage. We will forge new relationships and partnerships with our First Nations neighbours and strive to share and protect this land for future generations.
P.O. Box 10, Port Burwell, Ontario, Canada, N0J 1T0
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